Promotion and Relegation decided


Long Season finally decided.

After a long hard season today's games were the games when we found out the promotion and relegations for next year,

After a 3-3 draw today Burnley Belvedere who were reprieved from relegation last year finally had their fate confirmed today and will be joining Whinney Hill in next years division 1 who had a resounding defeat at Champions Feniscowles and Pleasington 0-9

They will be replaced by Champions of division 1 Mill Hill St Peters who put a nail in Padiham's promotion hopes with a 3-0 victory

That victory and a win for themselves guaranteed 2nd and promotion for Rock Rovers with a 3-1 victory against Peel Park and they will be hoping to make it a promotion and cup double in 2 weeks time.....

Well done to MHSP and Rock Rovers and welcome to the premier and commiserations to Burnley Belvedere and Whinney Hill

Where next?

Rock Secure 2nd Rock Cement 2nd
Norman Pratt to East Lancs Waddington Reserves win the East Lancs/Craven League battle

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